We start with a getting-to-know-you session. On this call, you’ll get to meet your account manager who will be assigned to you throughout the project should you decide to proceed. We’ll likely ask you questions about your business, your clients, and your website. You get to tell us what you like or don’t like about your current site, and what your hopes are for a new one.
Next we’ll present you with a proposal based on what we learned from the first call, and on some additional research that our collective team has done to give us a complete picture of your business so we can come up with the best strategy.
Once you decide PaperThin is the right vendor for you, we sign a mutual agreement and we’ll start work soon thereafter.
Next, we'll begin a Discovery & Analysis process whereby we will schedule and conduct a series of one to two hours long working sessions to help us gain a deeper understanding of your needs and goals from the user’s perspective, as well as any other stakeholders that might be involved. In these working sessions we will listen intently and ask pointed questions. We'll discuss in detail both your functional and design requirements. The outcome will be a plan of attack for each of the phases that follow.
Pick Design.
The next step is where our approach is different than the traditional design agency. Instead of starting from scratch and building one to three design concepts, and delivering those to you a couple weeks later, we'll take the design direction you provided and will quickly find several professional themed templates that match your design guidelines. These templates are a series of working HTML pages with modern, professionally designed components including many apsects of a site such as of navigation, headers, footers, carousels, sliders, photo galleries, accordions, lists, etc. Additionally these template also provide multiple layouts for common page types such as the home page, primary landing pages, 2 & 3 column pages, blogs, contact us, and much more.
We will present each of the templates to you and explain how your brand style guidelines will be incorporated. Based on your feedback we will quickly incorporate some of your design guidelines into a few of the templates, allowing you to choose your final starting point template.
Tweak Prototype.
With the winning design chosen, we will take the working design template HTML, CSS, and Javascript and add the various components and design tweaks that are needed to support your content and design requirements. We don't need to build out every page, just one page for each major content type. We will add real content into the prototype so that it resinates with you and you can get a real live view of what your site will look like. Best of all you will be able to see the interaction of the site in a working environment to ensure that the proper user experience and interactivity is provided.
Set Up Server.
Next up is building your hosting environment which we will set up in the cloud if you so choose.
Implement Site.
Then we will implement your design prototype into CommonSpot, and integrate it with third-party systems such as Google Analytics and social media channels. We will provide you several opportunities to review the different pages of your website as implementation progresses.
CMS Training.
At this point, your team—whether non-technical staff, marketers, administrators or developers—will be put through on-site or online training to help them master CommonSpot with ease.
Add Content.
The next part is all you. Your newly trained team of content managers will get busy adding your content to the website. Of course we’ll be close at hand to help answer any questions you may have.
Once content has been added, the entire site will be thoroughly tested to make darn sure that everything works as it should.
Resolve Issues.
If any issues arise during the testing phase, they will be resolved. We make sure all of the kinks are worked out prior to launch.
Launch & Celebrate!
Then we launch! Go-live days are always fun. We hope you’ll celebrate all of your hard work with a little bubbly. We most definitely will!
Ongoing Support
Our success is dependent on your success. Our highly skilled support professionals will always be there to provide you with an exceptional level of support when you need it to ensure your CommonSpot site is always on.